For the past few weeks, we have been talking about harmony. Harmony at home is very important. But before you can have harmony at home, you must have harmony within your own home which is your physical self. Most of the time we are not aware what causes this disharmony in us. We are angry with someone not because we are angry with that person but we angry with ourselves and we take it out on someone else. In life, when we deal with someone, another person, we wear many hats.

I give you an example. Me for example, I wear the hat of the father, so when I deal with the children, I wear that hat of the father. In the office, I am the boss, so I will wear the hat of the boss, so I deal with my staff as boss. With my wife, I wear the hat of the husband. So in life we wear many hats. The problem is if you wear the wrong hat and deal with someone else that’s where disharmony happens. If I wear the hat of the boss and I deal with my children or deal with my wife, that is where disharmony takes place because I will tell them this is it and then there will be a conflict. Notice it! So we all wear many hats. Swami says we are three persons. The one others think you are the one you think you are and the third, the one you really are. The one that you think you are that is the many hats that you wear. Be very careful which hat you are wearing when you deal with people.

There is another example I will give you. This was brought up at the youth meeting. I think you don’t mind if I mention (referring to a person present). She wears a hat of a teacher when she deals with her kids. She wears the same hat at home when she deals with the husband and the child. Why this? Why this? Because in school she would ask her student “Why is your line not straight?” “Why are you writing like this?” “Why is this?” and when she brings this hat at home there will be disharmony because the child will say “Why are you asking why, why?” Likewise, when you deal with the domestic, “Why are you not doing this, why you didn’t cook properly, why this, why? Why?” The wrong hat is worn most of the time. So be very very careful which hat you wear.

Now instead of wearing so many hats, throw away all the hats that you wear and wear only one hat and that hat is the hat God, the hat of love. So when you deal with anyone, with the hat of love, your action and interaction with that person will always be the same. It doesn’t matter whether you are the boss, doesn’t matter if you are the father, doesn’t matter if you are the father-in- law, it doesn’t matter if you are anyone. When we wear any other hat, it is ego, Remember this, we always wear the hat of ego. “I am the boss, therefore I treat you like this.” “I am your father therefore you must listen to me.” “I am the husband therefore you must listen to me or I am the wife you have to listen to me.” So disharmony always happens because you always wear the wrong hat. We don’t realise this but think about it. If you want to have harmony in your life, at home, your working place, your surroundings, whoever you come into contact with, wear the hat of love.

If you cannot remember this, always, always remember that I am love, I radiate love, I attract love, where I am is love, where I will be is love, for love is the only path I know, love is the only way to home. So next time you interact with someone else and if you feel that hat which you are wearing is the hat of boss or hat of teacher, or hat of husband, hat of father, think again.

When you wear the hat of love, your thoughts, your words, your action will always be different. Think about it. Especially people who have the opportunity of giving instructions to people. The habit is “Do this, do that.” Sometimes because it is habit. It is your occupational habit. Occupational habit demands that you give instructions. Can’t be helped, this is your job but they forget to leave the hat in their workplace and bring the hat home and still wear the hat of giving instruction to whoever they come into contact with. Their children, their wife, whoever it is at home and that’s where the problem comes in. So this is where disharmony takes place.

Harmony must always begin with you first. If there is no harmony inside you, you cannot have harmony outside, forget about it because you are angry inside, you are boiling. You always want to hit back at someone because you don’t know why. Why? Today I am telling you why, it is because you have worn the wrong hat and because you wore the wrong hat, you demand that the other person listens to you. If I am wearing the boss hat, the hat of the boss at home and tell someone to do something, the person does not do it immediately my question will be “Why are you not listening to me, I am telling you to do it” I am wearing the wrong hat. So most of the time problem occurs, disharmony occurs because we all wear the wrong hat. Remember this. Always wear the hat of love, nothing will go wrong because that’s how you act and interact with the person you come into contact with.


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